
Showing posts from 2024

When someone ignores you, it can be hurtful and confusing

When someone ignores you, it can be hurtful and confusing. But before you react, it's important to take a step back and ask yourself if their behavior is intentional.  Are they deliberately ignoring you, or are they simply busy or preoccupied with other things? Not all ignoring is deliberate. If you're certain that the person is intentionally ignoring you, here's a strategy to consider: ignore the ignored.  Instead of reacting to their ignoring, try ignoring their behavior in return. The idea behind this approach is to make them wonder why you're not bothered by their actions.  They may be trying to play with your emotions or manipulate you emotionally, but if they see that you're not reaching out to them, not responding to their messages or calls, and simply going about your life as if they don't exist, their tactic of ignoring you will likely backfire.  Think of it like this: remember how when you're desperately in need of a taxi, none seem to

10 Most Dangerous serial killers ever recorded in world history

1. Ted Bundy: A serial killer who murdered at least 30 young women in the 1970s. 2. Jeffrey Dahmer: A serial killer and sex offender who murdered and dismembered 17 young men and boys between 1978 and 1991. 3. John Wayne Gacy: A serial killer who murdered at least 33 young men and boys between 1972 and 1978. 4. Richard Ramirez: A serial killer who murdered at least 13 people in California in the 1980s. 5. Andrei Chikatilo: A serial killer who murdered at least 52 young women and children in the Soviet Union between 1978 and 1990. 6. Dennis Rader: A serial killer who murdered at least 10 people in Kansas between 1974 and 1991. 7. Gary Ridgway: A serial killer who murdered at least 49 women in Washington state between 1982 and 2001. 8. John George Haigh: A serial killer who murdered at least six people in England between 1944 and 1949. 9. Peter Sutcliffe: A serial killer who murdered at least 13 women in England between 1975 and 1980. 10. Harold Shipman: A serial killer who m

The Power of a man's thought

“Men, your thoughts shape your life. What you dwell on determines your purpose, your relationships, and the legacy you’ll leave behind.” “Your career should be more than a job. Let it reflect your passion and purpose. Don’t just chase money—pursue what makes you feel alive and aligned with your values.” “Success isn’t about what you achieve alone. It’s about the people you share it with. Invest in relationships that matter. Be present, listen, and lift others up.” “Failure isn’t the end. It’s part of your journey. Every setback is a lesson—use it to fuel your growth, and never stop moving forward.” “True strength lies in emotional honesty. Take care of your mental and emotional well-being. Express your feelings. A man who embraces vulnerability becomes stronger inside and out.” “Remember, the legacy you leave behind isn’t about wealth—it’s about the lives you’ve touched. Live with purpose. Every decision you make today shapes the story you’ll be remembered for.” "Your

Small Wins, Big Impact: The Power of Consistency

In life, we often chase after big, life-changing moments, thinking that success is defined by monumental achievements. But what if the real magic lies in the small, consistent efforts we make every day? It’s the little things that, when repeated over time, create a ripple effect and lead to lasting change. Every day is an opportunity to win—whether it’s finishing that chapter of a book, taking a 10-minute walk, or choosing a healthy meal. These victories may seem small, but they are the building blocks of greatness. Imagine a drop of water falling into a glass. At first, it seems insignificant, but over time, those drops fill the glass completely. That’s how life works. The small steps you take every day are filling up your life with progress, whether you notice it or not. Start celebrating those small wins: Made your bed this morning? That’s a win. Sent that email you’ve been putting off? That’s progress. Chose a positive thought when doubt crept in? That’s growth. Success

A Call to Let Go of Hatred and Embrace True Love

Why burden your mind with grudges? Why allow hatred to take root and grow within your heart? Holding onto bitterness poisons not only your spirit but also the future of those who follow in your footsteps. You may pretend to love, but how can you truly embrace others while harboring ill will in secret? Are you playing the role of the divine, the Alpha and Omega? Do you seek to claim the seat of the Creator—the one who holds the power of life and death? Reflect deeply: who are you to carry unforgiveness when no offense has even been committed against you? Why walk the path of darkness, rejecting the way of God, the one who calls you to a life of peace and reconciliation? This life of hatred and revenge is not your destiny—it is a choice, and it will lead to sorrow, not only for you but for your descendants. Remember, every soul shall taste death. Every soul shall account for their actions. Are you prepared for that day? Do not let a hardened heart destroy the life and legacy

Simple but powerful tip to create more peace and harmony in your relationship.

 "Ladies, here’s a simple but powerful tip to create more peace and harmony in your relationship. When your man comes home after a long day of hustle, where he has been facing challenges and pushing through life to provide for the family.  What he needs from you now is a moment of rest.  Instead of bringing up discussions immediately, welcome him with love, a smile, and give him some time to unwind. After 30 minutes of relaxation, he will be more ready, willing to listen, and better equipped to understand your needs. You can now table whatever discussion you have.   It’s not about keeping your thoughts to yourself—it’s about finding the right time to share them when he’s in the best state to receive them. Sometimes, just a little space and patience after a long day of hustle can make all the difference.  These little acts of care and timing can create the deep, lasting bond you both desire." If you enjoyed watching this, Like and follow for more. 

Message from the universe to a son - Wealth Creation and fastlane

Dear Son, this is a message from the universe. listen carefully. Many people mistakenly believe that achieving wealth quickly means doing something illegal, often calling it the "fast lane."  But, my son, there is truly no fast lane to wealth, whether in legitimate or illegitimate business. Success, in any field, requires hard work and perseverance. What you perceive as a "fast lane" comes from only noticing those few who succeeded through it , but you've overlooked the 95% who failed in the same pursuit. This is true in all businesses.  If you believe this, then why not focus on building a legitimate business and grow from there? It’s not about how glamorous the business appears; what truly matters is what it brings to the table. Every field, every vocation, has its wealthy individuals, whether it's farmers, cobblers, bus drivers, market women, or even street hawkers. Wealth creation doesn’t depend on your education or background. It’s about your determinat

MEMORY LANE: Remember, The Popular Hotel De Jordan: A Beloved Comedy TV Program in Benin City

"The Popular Hotel De Jordan" was a popular comedy TV program that aired in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. The show was set in a fictional hotel called "Hotel De Jordan" and was known for its humorous take on everyday life and local issues.  It featured a memorable cast of characters, including Chief Ajas, Idemudia, Casino Manager, Kokori, Dr Milomilo, Gberegedegberun, Okhue, pastor Wurugiakpor, chief Igho and others. These characters and their comedic interactions made the show a hit with audiences, as it captured the social and cultural dynamics of the region in a relatable and entertaining way.  The series played a significant role in the vibrant entertainment scene in Edo State and remains fondly remembered by those who watched it.

Who was the greatest between Alexander the Great and Julius Caecer

  Comparing Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar is challenging because they were both extraordinary leaders with different strengths and impacts on history. However, here are some key points that might help in assessing their greatness: Alexander the Great (356–323 BCE) - Military Conquests: Alexander the Great is often considered one of history’s greatest military commanders. He never lost a battle and created one of the largest empires in the ancient world by the age of 30, stretching from Greece to Egypt and into northwest India. - Cultural Impact: Alexander’s conquests spread Greek culture throughout the known world, leading to the Hellenistic Age, where Greek became the lingua franca and influenced many aspects of civilization, including art, architecture, and philosophy. - Leadership and Strategy: Alexander's ability to inspire loyalty in his troops, combined with his bold and innovative military tactics, are legendary. His campaigns are still studied in military academies

Operation Hunger Lion: Niger Delta Agitators React to Economic Hardships and Corruption in Nigeria

The Coalition of Niger Delta Agitators has revoked the ceasefire it declared years ago, launching what it now calls "Operation Hunger Lion" in response to the current economic hardships facing Nigerians, particularly those in the Niger Delta. This decision was announced in a statement released on Saturday following an emergency meeting where the coalition reviewed the state of the nation, with a focus on the challenges facing Nigerians, especially the Niger Delta region. According to the statement obtained by SaharaReporters , the coalition is demanding that the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL), Mele Kyari, and his team be investigated and held accountable for the missing N164 billion, with a call for their immediate dismissal. The coalition stated, "We have observed that corruption in the country has reached unprecedented levels, particularly within the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, NNPCL, Power Sector, Education, and

A Bold Approach to Nigeria's Future: Border policies, Food Security, and Economic Integrity

This is a strong message to every Nigerian and Africans at large about improving the Nigerian economy and addressing issues like border control and food prices. The speaker's perspective seems to resonate with all, even if he might not have the formal credentials of a professor or Ph.D. holder. The points he mention—such as the closure of borders and government investment in food production—are significant. Border closure can indeed help protect local industries and reduce reliance on imports, potentially leading to more self-sufficiency. However, for such a policy to succeed, it must be coupled with measures to support local farmers and prevent monopolies, which can drive up prices. State governments investing directly in food crops could help stabilize food supply and control prices, ensuring that the benefits of border closures reach the broader population.  Additionally, federal government involvement in price regulation could prevent exploitation and ensure that essential good

All About Pandas: The Adorable Giants of the Bamboo Forest

Pandas, with their distinctive black and white fur, have captured the hearts of people around the world. These gentle giants are native to China and are known for their love of bamboo. Appearance Pandas are easily recognizable by their black eye patches and ears, white faces, bellies, and legs. Despite their large size, they are incredibly agile climbers and spend most of their time munching on bamboo leaves. Diet The panda's diet consists almost entirely of bamboo, which they can eat up to 12 hours a day. They have a special bone structure in their wrists that acts like a thumb, helping them grip the bamboo stems efficiently. Conservation Status Pandas are classified as vulnerable, with only around 1,800 left in the wild. Conservation efforts in China have helped increase their numbers in recent years, but they still face threats from habitat loss and climate change.   Fun Fact Did you know that pandas have a unique way of communicating? They have different vocalizations for vario

The Fascinating World of Armadillos: Nature's Little Tanks

Armadillos are some of the most unique and fascinating creatures in the animal kingdom. With their distinctive armor-like shells and peculiar habits, these small mammals have captured the curiosity of humans for centuries. Native to the Americas, armadillos are often referred to as "nature's little tanks" because of their tough, protective exterior. But there's much more to these creatures than just their shells. Let's dive into the world of armadillos and explore what makes them so special. A Natural Suit of Armor The most recognizable feature of an armadillo is its shell, which is made up of bony plates covered in a layer of keratin, the same material that makes up human hair and nails. This armor protects them from predators, allowing them to roll into a ball or simply hunker down when threatened. While not all armadillo species can roll into a complete ball, the three-banded armadillo is particularly famous for this ability, making it nearly impenetrable to pr

Shocking Discovery by Officials of Lagos Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources

During the routine weekly sanitation exercise at Marine Beach, Ajegunle, officials of the Lagos Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources made a heart-wrenching discovery that has left the community in shock. Amidst the heaps of garbage dumped indiscriminately on the road, they found the lifeless body of an infant. A Tragic Find The discovery was made early Saturday morning as sanitation workers were clearing the road of accumulated waste. Among the discarded items, an official noticed what appeared to be a small bundle. Upon closer inspection, the bundle was revealed to be the body of an infant, tragically abandoned and lifeless.  Community in Mourning The news of the infant's death has spread quickly, sparking sorrow and outrage among the residents of Ajegunle. The community, already grappling with issues of waste management and sanitation, is now faced with the emotional impact of this tragic event. Many residents have expressed their grief and anger over the callous disre

Polygamy is not a choice, polygamy is a must, it forms d African base culture, poor finances is d only reason 4 a man to marry one

Polygamy, the practice of having more than one spouse, is indeed a significant aspect of many African cultures, and it has various socio-cultural and economic underpinnings. Here are a few points to consider: Cultural Context 1. Traditional Practices: In many African societies, polygamy has deep historical roots and is tied to cultural practices and social structures. It often symbolizes status, wealth, and social cohesion within communities. 2. Lineage and Legacy: Polygamy can ensure a larger number of offspring, which is seen as a way to continue family lineage and ensure greater labor resources for agricultural and other traditional economies.   Economic Considerations 1. Resource Distribution: While financial stability can support polygamous arrangements, economic constraints can also make it challenging for some men to support multiple families. Thus, economic capability often determines whether a man can engage in polygamy. 2. Dowries and Bride Price: The practice of paying a dow

Alhaji Sulaiman Jimoh, known as "Temo," a notorious drug kingpin, has been arrested

Alhaji Sulaiman Jimoh, known as "Temo," a notorious drug kingpin, was recently arrested by the Nigerian Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in Lagos.  Temo, who had eluded capture for over two years, was apprehended after a dramatic operation in the Mushin area of Lagos. His capture marks a significant success for the NDLEA in its efforts to dismantle drug cartels in Nigeria. Temo was involved in large-scale drug trafficking, including significant consignments of "Ghana Loud" Cannabis. Recent seizures linked to him included 14,524.8 kg in January 2024 and 8,852 kg in May 2023. The NDLEA’s operation culminated in his arrest despite resistance and attempts to flee, showcasing the agency's persistence and improved surveillance capabilities.
By OLA AJAYI, IBADAN Is it possible for a mother not to recognize her biological child? Or what would make a grown up child not to recognize his mother again? SOKA-1This was the scenario on Thursday at the Adeoyo State Hospital in Ibadan where scores of people were trying to catch a glimpse of survivors who were rescued from the throes of death they were subjected to by suspected kidnappers at Soka in Ibadan. Several parents especially women could only use photographs to identify their wards. Years of separation have erased some of the signs they could use to identify their wards. Mrs. Sufianat Ola was not sure if the skeletal figure in front of her was her son. She sobbed uncontrollably, trying to hold her son and embrace him but the mosquito net and the burglary proof blocked her. Surprisingly, her son, Adewale Ola could still remember his sister. With his thin and barely audible voice, he said, “my sister”. Tears freely flowed. It wasn’t long before the weeping became contagio